
    About Vidyalaya Library

    The library of PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Raghunathpura is growing day by day through acquisition of required books. Currently the library has 1260 books. The library is also equipped with computer system, projector and bar code printer. For automation the library uses e-Granthalaya software. Library periods are used to bring students to the library for reading and issue or return of the books from circulation counter.

    The library aims to promote reading habits in students as well as staff of PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya. The library holdings are arranged subject wise for quick retrieval of books. Five different Newspapers and twenty one magazines are available in library for staff and students.

    Book borrow cards are used for issue return to students and register is maintained for issue or return to staff. Facility of internet is also available in the library. A Library Orientation Program is conducted at the beginning of new session for the students of all classes. Various activity based programs are conducted to create skills among the students.