Tatkarma yann bandhaya sa vidya ya vimuktaye.
Aayasayaparam karma vidyanya shilpainapunam.
– Shri Vishnupuran
That is, the work that does not create bondage is the work that paves the way for liberation.
The rest of the work is hard work and other knowledge is just art and skill.
Indian sages and wise men have called knowledge (vidya) as the means of liberation of man. Man has been wishing to be free from fear, hunger, bad habits, bad habits, bad conduct, weakness, poverty and inferiority, disease, grief etc. since time immemorial. The above mahavaky of Shri Vishnupuran gives the message that man should make efforts to get freedom from all his sufferings through knowledge. Knowledge is the fruit of sacrifice and penance, therefore the attainment of knowledge is always laborious. Let us all be disciplined, make dedicated efforts to acquire knowledge by using all the available resources in a dignified manner. By incorporating proper diet, behavior and thoughts in our daily routine, let us make the infinite possibilities given by nature flourish and blossom in the light of the sacred energy of knowledge.
We all recite this sutra of Taittiriya Upanishad of Krishna Yajurveda every day in our schools in the morning prayer assembly:-
Om Saha Navavatu Saha Nau Bhunaktu,
Sah Veeryam Karavavahai.
Tejasvi Navadhitaastu Ma Vidvishavahai,
Om Shanti: Shanti: Shanti:
Let us understand the great message hidden in this sutra and imbibe it in our lives and do our daily work. I send my heartfelt best wishes to all the principals, teachers, students, officers and personnel of Gurugram division and wish them a successful and happy future.