
    NCC Scout and Guides

    Vidyalaya has a thriving Bharat Scouts and Guides unit that includes 14 Cubs and 20 Scouts, 20 Bulbuls and 26 Guides under the guidance of 10 trained teachers. Many activities were carried out as per KVS, Bharat Scouts and Guides calendar throughout the year.
    The spirit of service to mankind ought to be inculcated from childhood.
    Tritiya Sopan – 4 Scouts and 4 Guides participated and passed Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp and received proficiency certificates.
    2 Scouts and 4 Guides participated in the Rajya puraskar Testing Camp.

    Photo Gallery

    • Boden Powell exersie by Bulbuls Boden Powell exersie by Bulbuls
    • sense Activity by Cab and bulbul sense Activity by Cab and bulbul
    • Boden Powell exercise by Cabs Boden Powell exercise by Cabs
    • Bulbul Circle song by Bulbuls Bulbul Circle song by Bulbuls